
MAVs Dockerfile workflow:

The workflow is consisted of two part, build a image and run a container:

Build a Image:

  1. Pull the image from avpg/cain:middle
  2. Build Dockerfile: this Dockerfile mainly copy the source files in ros/ into the container and run “catkin_make” to setup ros workspace.

Dockerfile of avpg/cain:middle:

  1. Pull the image from avpg/cain:base_cudagl:
  2. Update Julia packages
  3. Clone the source code from JuliaMPC/MAVs and build workspace

Inside the Dockerfile of avpg/cain:base_cudagl:

  1. Build the base image from nvidia/cudagl:9.0-devel-ubuntu16.04
  2. Install required packages
  3. Install ROS kinetic
  4. Install Julia
  5. Install Chrono

Run a Container:

  1. Setup PATH variable for later use of volumes when execute docker run.
  2. docker run command to execute mavs image.
