

This is a setup for Navigation Stack for the HMMWV model. This uses move_base ROS package and given a Goal pose, it publishes a trajectory into /cmd_vel.

The setup uses navfn/NavfnROS as base_global_planner and base_local_planner/TrajectoryPlannerROS as base_local_planner. Namespace for this planner is ros_base_planner


Following are the argument required by package's main.launch file of mavs_ros_palnner package

system_params_pathpath to cofiguration file that defines system fields. Example file: demoC.yaml
case_params_pathpath to cofiguration file that defines the case. Example file: case1.yaml
laser_scan_topictopic publishing the lase scan data
rviz_config_filepath to a Rviz configuration file

mavs_ros_planner heavily relies on the move_base framework from ROS. User can also tune parameters related to cost maps, global/local planners, etc.through configuration files present inMAVs/ros/src/system/config/planner/rosbaseplanner`


Output topics are the same as mentioned in tutorial of move_base. Few application specific ros parameters which are publsihed are metnioned below:

vehicle/chrono/ros_base_planner/traj/xlist of 'x' part of global coordinates for the created plan
vehicle/chrono/ros_base_planner/traj/ylist of 'y' part of global coordinates for the created plan

Flags and Settings

/system/ros_base_planner/initializedindicates if the planner has successfully published a global plan
/system/ros_base_planner/goal_knownindicates wether to use the goal provided in case file or from Rviz