

Obstacle avoidance algorithm described in this paper which can now be solved in real time using an official julia package called NLOptControl.jl.

If a vehicle needs to drive quickly and avoid moving obstacles then NLOptControl.jl is well suited to solve the trajectory planning problem. Where A* and OpenPlanner are path planning algorithms and are mostly concerned with satisfying kinematic/geometric constraints, they can identify a path to follow, but without a temporal component, they do not tell you how to follow the path. While, trajectory planning also considers how you can follow the path. So, for instance, what are the optimal steering and throttle trajectories (not simply what are the X and Y waypoints).

NLOptControl.jl is designed as a high level tool, so researchers can easily define their own optimization problems, see my documentation here. To do this, nloptcontrol_planner uses the MAVs.jl package. MAVs.jl is a julia package that solves an autonomous vehicle motion planning problem using NLOptControl.jl. There are several different modules, nothing is documented. Read the source code for more info.



Currently the obstacles are assumed to be represented by circles and their data is to be published to the vectors in the following rosparam

/obstacle/radiusradius of obstacle in (m)
/obstacle/vxglobal velocity in global x direction in (m/s)
/obstacle/vyglobal velocity in global y direction in (m/s)
/obstacle/xcurrent global x (m) position of vehicle in (m)
/obstacle/ycurrent global y (m) position of vehicle in (m)

Vehicle State

If an actual vehicle is used or an external model of the vehicle is used, /nloptcontrol_planner/flags/3DOF_plant should be set to false. And the following rosparam states (points) should be set:

/state/xglobal x position (m)
/state/yglobal y position (m)
/state/psiglobal heading angle (rad)
/state/sasteering angle at the tire (rad)
/state/uxvelocity in the x direction (vehicle frame) in (m/s)
/state/axacceleration in the x direction (vehicle frame) in (m/s^s)
/state/ryaw rate about the z direction in (rad/s)



The purpose of this node is to publish reference state trajectories (vectors) in the Control.msg as

/trajectory/ttime (s)
/trajectory/xglobal x position trajectory (m)
/trajectory/yglobal y position trajectory (m)
/trajectory/psiglobal heading angle trajectory (rad)
/trajectory/sasteering angle trajectory at the tire (rad)
/trajectory/uxspeed in the x direction (vehicle frame) (m/s)

Optimization and MPC message

The error between the predicted initial state and the actual initial state is provided along with some additional optimization information in the Optimization.msg as

Type | Name | Description – | –- | –- float64 | texP | predicted execution horizon (s) float64 | texA | actual execution horizon (s) float64| tSolve | optimization time (s) string| status | optimization status float64[] |X0p | predicted initial state vector float64[]| X0a | actual initial state vector float64[]| X0e | error in prediction of initial state vector

Flags and Settings

/nloptcontrol_planner/case_namename of configuration file for solver settings
/nloptcontrol_planner/obstacle_namename of configuration file for obstacle field
/nloptcontrol_planner/flags/3DOF_plantindicates if the 3DOF plant model in VehicleModels.jl will be used
/nloptcontrol_planner/flags/initindicates if the planner has finished initialization
/nloptcontrol_planner/flags/known_environmentindicates if the obstacle information is assumed to be known


A stand-alone demo to show that the NLOptControl.jl is solving the OCP and connected to ROS.

To Run

roslaunch nloptcontrol_planner demo.launch

Expected Output

After a few minutes the terminal should display:

This program contains Ipopt, a library for large-scale nonlinear optimization.
 Ipopt is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
         For more information visit

Running model for the: 0 time
[199.831, 8.44829, -0.304456, 0.225719, 1.62274, 0.0524729, 16.7114, -1.11083]
nloptcontrol_planner has been initialized.
Running model for the: 1 time
[198.976, 16.6123, -0.820356, 0.246638, 1.75329, 0.0330637, 16.1247, -1.22459]
Running model for the: 2 time
[197.441, 24.3947, -0.579523, 0.0349721, 1.8273, -0.00889783, 15.6299, -0.77718]
Running model for the: 3 time
[195.715, 31.9384, -0.0419052, -0.121407, 1.80044, -0.0317296, 15.3501, -0.361812]
Running model for the: 4 time
[194.294, 39.4512, 0.237982, -0.16141, 1.72634, -0.0360165, 15.2689, 0.0185792]
Running model for the: 5 time
[193.395, 47.0487, 0.302376, -0.149562, 1.64747, -0.0328082, 15.3683, 0.361693]
Running model for the: 6 time
[193.034, 54.7811, 0.269118, -0.117383, 1.58031, -0.0253441, 15.6244, 0.646153]
Running model for the: 7 time
[193.132, 62.6823, 0.204767, -0.0873723, 1.52942, -0.0189879, 16.0035, 0.854896]
Running model for the: 8 time
[193.601, 70.7833, 0.149901, -0.0649146, 1.49162, -0.0140566, 16.4672, 0.985584]
Running model for the: 9 time
[194.365, 79.1078, 0.10819, -0.0480866, 1.46356, -0.0102397, 16.9765, 1.03786]
Running model for the: 10 time
goal is in range
[195.357, 87.6683, 0.0590599, -0.020078, 1.44614, -0.00305557, 17.4935, 1.02433]
Running model for the: 11 time
goal is in range
[196.478, 96.4715, -0.0230271, 0.00710531, 1.44323, 0.00253812, 18.002, 1.00652]
Running model for the: 12 time
goal is in range
[197.629, 105.525, -0.100926, 0.0220395, 1.45104, 0.00503927, 18.5022, 0.990981]
Running model for the: 13 time
goal is in range
[198.736, 114.834, -0.150177, 0.027248, 1.46365, 0.00574419, 18.9955, 0.978923]
Running model for the: 14 time
goal is in range
[199.758, 124.4, -0.175388, 0.0281426, 1.47758, 0.00578579, 19.4841, 0.974316]
Goal Attained!

[obstacle_avoidance-2] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/febbo/.ros/log/f7108cac-2de8-11e8-8052-104a7d04da99/obstacle_avoidance-2*.log

This indicates a successful test.
