

System logger

This demonstrates how we can use rosbag record using a launch file. Details for existing rosbag APIs can be found here rosbag. For implementation details in launch file, please refer to Record with rosbag from launch file. We record /nlopcontrol_planner/opt topic and convert to .csv file using script.


1. Add similar snippet to your launch file

Put following code in your demo launch file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <arg name="system_params_path" default="$(find system)/config/system/demos/demoB.yaml"/>

  <!-- Add your nodes -->

  <node pkg="rosbag" type="record" name="record" args="record -O /home/mavs/MAVs/results/opt.bag /nlopcontrol_planner/opt"/>

  <node name="bootstrap" pkg="system" type="bootstrap.jl" output="screen"/>


Here we specified the topics to record as args to record node, in this case opt topic will be saved in a file called opt.bag in /home/mavs/MAVs/results/

2. Run follwing in cmd prompt

$cd /home/mavs/MAVs/results
$python opt.bag

This script will create opt.csv which is a csv file containing Optimization message