

System shutdown handler

This is a node in system package that handles system shutdown based on ros parameters

Flags and Settings

/system/shutdown/flags/runningShutdown node has been started. Example file: demoD.yaml
/system/shutdown/flags/initializedShutdown node has been initialized. Example file: demoD.yaml


Following are the argument required by the node

/system/shutdown/params/shutdown_initiation_flagsList of parameters that are constantly monitored for their truth values. If any of these becomes true, system shutdown would be initiated. Example file: demoD.yaml
/system/shutdown/params/shutdown_completion_flagsList of parameters which inidicate pre-processing required for a safe shutdown. Only when all the parameters become true, ros system would be shutdown. Example file: demoD.yaml


If any of the shutdown_initiation_flags becomes true, then a shutdown routine will be initiated. The node would then wait for all shutdown_completion_flags to become true. Once it is achieved, this node would shutdown. Since system_shutdown is always added as a required node in a launch file, the ros system would kill all remaining nodes which were spawned through this launch file.

Example use case

Put following code in launch file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <arg name="system_params_path" default="$(find system)/config/system/demos/demoD.yaml"/>

  <!-- Add your nodes -->

  <node name="system_shutdown" pkg="system" type="system_shutdown" output="screen" required="true">
     <rosparam file="$(arg system_params_path)" command="load"/>

  <node name="bootstrap" pkg="system" type="bootstrap.jl" output="screen"/>


Put following code in your system.yaml. Note: Do not use this directly, this is just an example and shows only relevant components for shutdon node.

  override_shutdown_hook: false
  data_logging_completed: true

   running: true
   initialized: false
    shutdown_initiation_flags: ["system/flags/goal_attained", "/vehicle_collided"]
    shutdown_completion_flags: [system/flags/data_logging_completed]